Preceding his bid for the Republican nomination, Newt Gingrich enjoyed a lucrative and beneficial relationship with our nation's largest right-wing propaganda outlet. As a FOX News contributor, Newt appeared on several segments as a commentator or panel member.
It wouldn't be of any surprise if Newt still maintains a strong working relationship with Fox, considering the fact that the news organization appears to be less critical of the former speaker. Neither is it of any surprise that Fox continues to beat the war drum, while misrepresenting the facts concerning Iran.
One of the most interesting aspects of the Fox News debate in Iowa was the curious manner in which Newt appeared to signal the moderators to silence his competitors.
Beginning at 30:43 and happening at precisely 30:47 in the debate video, Newt appears to give a strong look to the Fox News Debate moderators, which resulted in the camera focusing in on Michelle Bachmann, and her subsequent “dinging,” while criticizing the presidential front-runner. It is important to note that none of the moderators “dinged” any other candidate during the Fannie and Freddie exchange.
Between 1:36:53 and 1:37:01, Newt appears to look intently to the side of the stage, with Bachmann being “dinged” shortly after, and Gingrich giving a slight nod, aimed at the same corner of the stage.
Since the debate, Fox has worked in a diligent manner to promote Newt as the winner, while being critical of Bachmann and even less flattering toward Ron Paul.
It wouldn't be of any surprise if Newt still maintains a strong working relationship with Fox, considering the fact that the news organization appears to be less critical of the former speaker. Neither is it of any surprise that Fox continues to beat the war drum, while misrepresenting the facts concerning Iran.
One of the most interesting aspects of the Fox News debate in Iowa was the curious manner in which Newt appeared to signal the moderators to silence his competitors.
Beginning at 30:43 and happening at precisely 30:47 in the debate video, Newt appears to give a strong look to the Fox News Debate moderators, which resulted in the camera focusing in on Michelle Bachmann, and her subsequent “dinging,” while criticizing the presidential front-runner. It is important to note that none of the moderators “dinged” any other candidate during the Fannie and Freddie exchange.
Between 1:36:53 and 1:37:01, Newt appears to look intently to the side of the stage, with Bachmann being “dinged” shortly after, and Gingrich giving a slight nod, aimed at the same corner of the stage.
Since the debate, Fox has worked in a diligent manner to promote Newt as the winner, while being critical of Bachmann and even less flattering toward Ron Paul.