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Mar 9, 2012

Truth: The only true form of “progressivism”


Words are powerful. So much so that war, peace, relationships, and the fate of our daily lives seem to hang in the balance.

We've all heard the old adage “actions speak louder than words.” However, words are usually the jumping-off point for subsequent action. Actually, words are the foundation for our actions and the actions of others.

Words propagate knowledge (in addition to action). Knowledge, derived from the spoken or written word can either be based on truth, half-truths, and of course, lies.

What is dishonesty? What is the purpose of it? In short, dishonesty is a shortcut; a means to effect a desired result, based off outright lies, deception, or willful non-disclosure of information needed to gain a full perspective. Dishonesty is a means of control. Dishonesty is also a means to avoid an undesirable consequence, or to hide motives. Dishonesty, then, gives way to ignorance.

All elementary, right? Apart from being an elementary, honesty and dishonesty are fundamental parts of our lives. Logic is a tool that helps us differentiate between the two, if we choose to use it. Both dishonesty and honesty can cause two brothers to fight, or to draw them closer together. A mother can use honesty or dishonesty to comfort or “protect” a young child, or cause the child to be frightful. The problem with dishonesty, though, is that the truth usually surfaces at some point, causing inevitable issues between the two parties or desired goal. We, as ego-filled individuals, hate to be proven wrong due to our ignorance of a particular topic or situation. If we are lucky enough to realize our ignorance, thanks to our little friend called logic, we come to a crossroads; do we change course on a particular stance or action when proven wrong/inaccurate, or do we shun truth to “protect” our own selfish and egotistical selves? Those who choose the latter will go to great lengths to keep up the appearance of being “right” or justified in their position. They will compromise their personal ideals to “protect” the narrative, if not ultimately themselves. Godwin's law usually prevails if we aren't flexible enough for the mental gymnastics needed to “prove” our ignorant position.

Perpetual ignorance, born from dishonesty, is equivalent to dealing with a crappy building foundation that was never based on quality design or materials. The problems related to the foundation will materialize in the building- costing much more to maintain or repair the building than it would if the foundation was constructed correctly in the first place.

Upon reading the title of this article, you probably expected a negative rant about the “progressive” brand name of politics that emerged in our country over one hundred years ago. Make no mistake! The label “progressive” is in fact a brand name. It might be safe to say that almost all of us want to “progress” in our daily lives and want to see the rest of the world “progress” on the micro/macro level. One's definition of “progress” will be different than another's. In spirit of that fact, the specific goals and needs will be different to achieve said progress, which may or may not align with that of the “progressive” political party. The same could be said with the term “conservative.”

Both “progressive” and “conservative” terms in today's political context are based on dishonesty, designed to divide and compartmentalize potential constituents.

Instead of relying on the core definitions of what “progressive” or “conservative” means, we allow dishonest, agenda-driven media outlets and politicians (that are anything but) tell us what these terms mean. Not only that, the proponents also tell us why we should slap ourselves/neighbors with these unspecific and skewed buzzword bumper-stickers.

In our carnal nature, whether you believe we're “fallen sinful creatures” in a biblical sense, or not-very-evolved primate derivatives that walked out of the jungle, we have a thirst for conflict. I truly believe conflict and competition is catnip for humans. Doesn't matter if we're referring to sports or gaining the attention of the opposite sex (or same sex, of course). In the same manner, the political arena has been relegated (or designed) to be a made-for-TV sports game. A never-ending “us against them” bout, where the players and spectators incessantly one-up each other for a perceived level of “gain.”

Unfortunately for the American people, the political “game” has real consequences attached to it, and for gets pretty personal. This is where truth goes out the window. This is where people will perform the above mentioned mental gymnastics to remain “right” at all costs. This is where Godwin's law prevails......... This is where every logical fallacy defined in the dictionary will get traded between the players, commentators and crowd. This is where the “referees” get hanged.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Want to be a true “progressive” in your life and in the lives of others? Only you can define personal or widescale “progress.” However, whatever your goals may be, make sure they're rooted firmly on the bedrock of truth. You'll thank yourself later, and so will your neighbors. Unless, of course, you've already called them a Nazi, fascist, troglodyte, rethuglican, democrap, or any other hollow blanket term you saw on a chat board.

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